Perry Miniatures Preview Their Upcoming Bavarian Jagers

April 15, 2024 by brennon

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Perry Miniatures didn't make it to Salute this year but they did still share a preview of what's coming to their collection in the near future. Some 3-Ups popped up for their Bavarian Jagers that will be taking part in the Franco-German War.

Bavarian Jagers Single - Perry Miniatures

Bavarian Jagers // Perry Miniatures

The first selection of Bavarians are coming together nicely with the Jagers and the Bavarian Line Infantry already sitting with Renedra ready to be turned into something awesome for your 28mm wargames. There is also a third frame being worked on my Michael representing your command element.

Bavarian Jagers Group - Perry Miniatures

Bavarian Jagers Group // Perry Miniatures

Even though these are the 3-Ups for the set, you can see the amount of detail that Perry Miniatures are looking to work into their kit. I don't think it's much of a surprise at this point that the Perry Twins are pretty good at making gorgeous miniatures for your Historical wargames.

Could you be tempted to dive in and work on the Franco-German War as your next project? 

"Could you be tempted to dive in and work on the Franco-German War as your next project? "

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