The Perry’s English Army Begins Its March Towards Orleans!
December 3, 2014 by brennon
We mentioned that this army was on pre-order not long ago and now it's finally released! Check out the mighty English Army 1415-1429 from Perry Miniatures complete with thirty six Men At Arms and Archers ready for battle against the French...
Above are some of the painted examples of the soldiers you can paint up from the boxed set. I know that this is meant to be a mighty army of the English from history but I can't help but think of how cool it would be to mix these with some of the Dark Ages ranges out there and make some Starks, Lannisters and more for Game of Thrones wargaming. The kits are a pretty perfect fit!
As always with Perry Miniatures the level of sculpting even on their plastic kits is top notch and you get buckets of detail and plenty of options for your soldiers in their boxed sets. Well worth checking out if you fancy starting a vast medieval army.
What do you think?
These are a bit early for my forthcoming WOTR project but I will say that Perry plastics are fantastic. If medieval warfare proves to be fun, I’ll have a dabble in the HYW at some point.
Somegeezer – there is a Perry box, very similar to this, which focuses on the WoTR period specifically (it’s called ‘Men at Arms’ or some such). They came out 4-5 months ago, some absolutely cracking sculpts and I would say possibly one of the best plastic miniature releases I have ever seen. They all scale perfectly with the Perry metals also, as you would expect. I have no reason to believe these would be any different, and in fact I’m sure there probably is some cross-over with the sculpt designs. I’m currently doing a WoTR project also – I’m throwing… Read more »
I have both the WOTR infantry and foot knights boxes waiting for paint. I’ll add the “Mercenaries” box at a later date if I really get into this period.
Definitely agree with the WoTR assessment. I bought a few boxes of those and am very pleased with them, along with the cavalry sets. If you’re used to fantasy sized horses, though, you might be disappointed, but I use them anyway. The sculpts are too good to leave out of any battlefield, fantasy or historical! HYW ended in 1453, and WoTR began in 1455, so there’s really not a lot of difference time wise between the two (I don’t know how much arms and armour changed during the HYW. Would make a good thesis). The biggest difference I noticed was… Read more »
might this be one reason for GW to ditch human armies altogether? If that is the case as rumours might suggest.
What is this, a third of the cost per plastic infantry figure, by the same sculptors no less?
Hmmm… the Perry figures work out to $37 Canadian for 36 figures, while a box of 16 Bretonnians is $42 here, so not quite a third of the price. Might be if you calculate army deals. Still — a huge difference. I’ve switched to Perry to fill out my human battle lines.
Still, I hope the human armies don’t get deleted from the OOB. I’ve been looking forward to a new Bretonnian release. If they are, there’s always Gamezone, although their armies aren’t as comprehensive.
The Perry twins are fantastic sculptors – their work on the original LoTR range and their own company are stunning – the 8th Army and Afrika Korps minis are very well done, lots of interesting bits!
the Perry’s did them, enough said 🙂 I am sure to pick them up, how they are fielded that will be another question. KoW, SAGA, Game of Thrones so many choices how can one not get these marvelous minis?
Superb as to be expected of Perry miniatures