The Perry’s New Prussian Artillery & Napoleonic Civilians

January 22, 2024 by brennon

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Perry Miniatures have been plugging away on more 1806 Prussians for you to use in your Historical wargames. The latest batch of previews was for their Artillery pieces and the Crews that go alongside them. There were even some sneak peeks ahead at some different miniatures they've been working on.

Foot Artillery Firing - Perry Miniatures

Foot Artillery Firing // Perry Miniatures

The guns themselves are available as 3D Printed Resin products whilst the crews themselves are available in metal. You can get yourself a couple of different guns and then two crews. One of them is firing their cannon whilst the other is loading.

Foot Artillery Loading - Perry Miniatures

Foot Artillery Loading // Perry Miniatures

Nice little sets I think you'll agree, building on the idea I love that artillery pieces are fun opportunities to tinker with mini-dioramas. That's especially the case if you're looking to mount the crew and artillery piece on a base as they've done here. You can help nail the location that you imagine your army fighting in.

New Prussian Jagers

As well as the artillery, you should also look out for the new 1806 Prussian Jagers that are being worked on by Alan Perry.

1806 Prussian Jager - Perry Minaitures

1806 Prussian Jager // Perry Minaitures

I always like seeing folks sculpting the skirmishers of armies during this period. The rank-and-file fellows are great but I have a soft spot for those heading out ahead of the main force to harry the enemy. We look to be getting a bunch of different sculpts already in different poses, be they advancing, reloading and firing.

Napoleonic Civilians

Capping off the previews, we also got a look at some work on the regular folk who get caught up in these conflicts. These miniatures are based on various illustrations and are designed to match the European style of dress during the period throughout the classes.

Napoleonic Civilians #1 - Perry Miniatures

Napoleonic Civilians // Perry Miniatures

Napoleonic Civilians #2 - Perry Miniatures

Napoleonic Civilians // Perry Miniatures

You could use these to build dioramas and vignettes or as civilian objectives that you need to protect in smaller games. Use these to build up a fun "camp" setting trailing behind your army or perhaps a set of characters that need to be rescued, Sharpe style.

Napoleonic Civilians #3 - Perry Miniatures

Napoleonic Civilians // Perry Miniatures

There is a good variety of different characters in the works and even if you're not doing something Historical, these would be perfect for a game like The Silver Bayonet. Use these as poor unfortunates who have been drafted in to help you as part of your warband or civilians being hounded by some terrible evil.

Middle Class Napoleonic Civilians - Perry Miniatures

Middle Class Napoleonic Civilians // Perry Miniatures

A solid set of characterful miniatures that are no doubt going to find their way into a lot of collections. These are hopefully going to be popping up soon alongside the artillery and the Jagers.

What do you make of these new miniatures coming soon?

"Use these to build up a fun "camp" setting trailing behind your army..."

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