Puppets War Call On Legions Of Tech Troopers

January 30, 2019 by brennon

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Puppets War has been building on their range of Sci-Fi options for wargamers with their Tech Troopers, offering up bodies and heads for you to use to customise your army.

Tech Troopers #1 - Puppets War

As with pretty much all of the Puppets War range, they have been designed so that you can use them with all manner of heroic scale figures. That means the heads can be removed and used on troopers from across the spectrum but I think they look pretty swish on their in-house bodies.

Tech Troopers #2 - Puppets War

If you're looking to draft in some Adeptus Mechanicus soldiers to fight alongside its various bionic characters, this might be a good shout for allied guardsmen perhaps? You could theme it that they have taken control of a few men and women from the Imperium, giving them a bionic upgrade and dressing them in more fitting attire.

Heads and bodies are also available separately.

What do you make of the new set?

"...this might be a good shout for allied guardsmen perhaps?"

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