Puppets War Wander Through Piles Of Corpses

June 21, 2018 by brennon

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Puppets War has gone full-on bloodthirsty with their latest release. It is very simply a big Corpse Pile.

Corpse Pile - Puppets War

The Corpse Pile set comes with a range of mangled and destroyed bodies, torn apart by some large beast or explosion. You can either get your hands on the small Corpse Pile...or the BIG Corpse Pile which comes with even more bodies.

Corpse Pile Scale Comparison - Puppets War

As you can see here they could be used as basing material, additional scatter for terrain, or as part of big vignettes and dioramas. I love the idea of using them in a similar style to the character above, piled up around the base of a deadly killer. I'm thinking that the Doom Slayer model we saw earlier in the week needs some basing material...

What do you think of the new set?

"I'm thinking that the Doom Slayer model we saw earlier in the week needs some basing material..."

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