Ragnarok’s New Woses Watch Over Your Fantasy Forests

November 27, 2023 by brennon

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Ragnarok Miniatures has nearly finished work on delivering their last Kickstarter and when shipping is complete for that, a new range of 28mm miniatures are going to be hitting crowdfunding. The Woses Of The Druidain Forest will be watching over the woods and making sure the Orcs don't get out alive!

Ghan Guna Ghan - Ragnarok Miniatures

Ghan Guna Ghan // Ragnarok Miniatures

Inspired by the Drúedain, the Woses of Middle-earth, these miniatures would be absolutely perfect for those who want to drop some forest guardians into your Fantasy world. Leading the way, we have Ghan Guna Ghan, the leader of these people, an aid to some and a terrible foe to others.

He is followed up by one of his supporters, the awesome Khan Nakad Khad.

Khan Nakad Khad - Ragnarok Miniatures

Khan Nakad Khad // Ragnarok Miniatures

I sense that that Orc might have come a cropper of the Woses and his head is now being used as some way to ward off others. Either that or Khan Nakad Khan is getting ready to throw this head as a Hail Mary pass. I'm fine with either option, to be honest!

As with the rest of the miniatures from Ragnarok, these are going to be in 28mm scale and cast in metal. In addition to the characters above, you're also going to be getting your hands on loads of core infantry for this Woses force as well.

Woses With Spears - Ragnarok Miniatures

Woses With Spears // Ragnarok Miniatures

You could rock some Woses with throwing spears at the ready in the middle of an ambush. Additionally, there are also Woses with shields alongside their spears if you want to form a line of defence. You could have the fellows with shields in front and then introduce the ones with throwing spears behind them, chucking over the top!

Woses With Shields - Ragnarok Miniatures

Woses With Shields // Ragnarok Miniatures

Hidden in the bushes on the other side of the path, you also have some Woses with bows at the ready. I really love the range of sculpts on offer and the way these have all been brought to life in miniature form. Whilst these miniatures have been painted here with bare skin, I think you could have a lot of fun with tattoo work on these miniatures.

Woses With Bows - Ragnarok Miniatures

Woses With Bows // Ragnarok Miniatures

Last but not least, we're also going to be getting Woses with blowpipes at the ready. These could be some of your specialists in your force, equipped with deadly poisons that could be used to bring down bigger foes.

Woses With Blowpipes - Ragnarok Miniatures

Woses With Blowpipes // Ragnarok Miniatures

Whilst these would obviously be great for those looking to add to Middle-earth forces and build up the somewhat lacking (and out of print!) range, these would also be great for those building warbands for SAGA: Age Of Magic. You could also use these to build up a fun force for use in Oathmark! Maybe you could design a fun forest kingdom rather than a classic empire.

It looks like the Kickstarter is going to feature some special bits and pieces too including statues that you might find spotted in the forest. I always loved the look of the statues glimpsed in the movies and in the art by John Howe so it's nice to see some of it popping up here!

You can also dive into the expanded Ragnarok Miniatures range over on the Gripping Beast Webstore!

Are you going to be checking out this Kickstarter?

"Leading the way, we have Ghan Guna Ghan..."

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