Unleash A Shaltari Light Behemoth On Dropzone Commander

October 10, 2023 by brennon

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TTCombat has added another new miniature into the mix for those playing Dropzone Commander. The Shaltari are getting their Light Behemoth which can be built as the Lion or the Tiger and used to dominate your 10mm Sci-Fi wargames.

Shaltari Lion Light Behemoth - Dropzone Commander

Shaltari Light Behemoth // Dropzone Commander

This resin kit allows you to build two variants of the Light Behemoth with its almost predator-like look and feel. You could imagine this prowling through the city streets. The Lion has a rather unusual weapon, the Transmatter Beam. It can be used in a non-offensive matter to help teleport friendly constructs around the battlefield. It can also be weaponised where the beam gets turned into something decidedly more deadly. You can make this vanish and they really won't be coming back.

Shaltari Lion Light Behemoth #1 - Dropzone Commander

Shaltari Light Behemoth // Dropzone Commander

The Tiger comes with a pair of Disintegrators instead. These are weapons that would more commonly be found on the side of a Shaltari starship! A lot of energy gets focused into a single area that leaves an explosive detonation and an atomised, gaping hole behind the target. How amazingly deadly!

Shaltari Lion Light Behemoth #2 - Dropzone Commander

Shaltari Light Behemoth // Dropzone Commander

The Light Behemoth looks absolutely fantastic and would be a great addition to a Shaltari force on the tabletop. It has the fascinating angles and exotic look of the Shaltari as if it's made of glass rather than metal. All of the details are going to be a little tough to paint but it should pop with a wash and a drybrush should you be that way inclined!

Will you be snapping up this new Light Behemoth?

"It has the fascinating angles and exotic look of the Shaltari as if it's made of glass rather than metal..."

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