New Stories Come To The World Of Fantasy Flight’s Android

December 19, 2015 by brennon

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Fantasy Flight Games are going to be working on bringing more fiction to the world of Android. The first two stories, Monster Slayer and Monitor are coming soon written by Daniel Lovat Clark and Leigh Alexander respectively...

Monster Slayer (Story)

"A veteran of the War, Reina can’t stop fighting. Only now, she’s no longer on Mars, and she’s no longer a soldier. Scarred by her time as an Electronic Warfare Service drone operator, Reina has transformed herself into a notorious cybercriminal, and she’s turned her hatred of the Weyland Consortium into a personal crusade. Her goal? Expose the corp’s machinations and exact vigilante justice.

When Reina’s efforts lead her deep into some of Weyland’s most heavily secured servers, she discovers that its geothermal fracking initiative, Project Vulcan, is far more dangerous than the public realizes. But then again, so is the Weyland Consortium. As Reina digs deeper and contacts old allies, she learns firsthand just how far the megacorp will go to protect its secrets.

As the stakes grow higher, the body count rises. Can Reina expose the threat posed by Project Vulcan? And, in the end, will her crusade be worth the cost?"

Monitor (Story)

"Three young Breaker Bay grads dream of making a difference in the world—and becoming Network celebrities—away from the desks of their dreary MegaBuy call center jobs. After they recover an NBN executive’s PAD at a protest in Broadcast Square, it seems Lana Rael and her friends, Johnny and Tim, might finally have their chance to discover the truth behind NBN’s saccharine and explosively popular franchise, Sunshine Junction.

But when the aspiring activists stumble into the corporation’s all­ seeing eye, they find themselves in the limelight—and not in the way they hoped.

As camdrones begin to follow them through the megacity and broadcast their every move on live threedee, Lana and her friends will have to ask themselves just how much they’re willing to sacrifice to fight the corps. Is making a difference worth risking their privacy, their lifestyle, or their lives?"

Both of these sound like fantastic stories from within the world of Android. Lovat Clarke is actually the co-creator of the world of Android so it's fantastic to see him being able to stretch his literary muscles and build on the world a bit more.

While I'd love to say that I think an RPG is coming I now don't believe there will. All this world building COULD have been saved for a core rulebook but it seems they wont be doing that.

Leigh Alexander is a prominent voice in the video gaming community and has done a lot of good writing in the past. She also wrote a great piece about getting into Netrunner which you can read HERE.

I will be interested to see if these go down well!

"Lovat Clarke is actually the co-creator of the world of Android so it's fantastic to see him being able to stretch his literary muscles and build on the world a bit more..."

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