Games Workshop has previewed two of the new warbands coming to Warhammer Underworlds with the launch of the new edition. Followers of The Old Ones and Grandfather Nurgle will be rather happy with these additions to the game.
Games Workshop has begun to plot out the roadmap for Warhammer Underworlds and the new edition of the game. As well as that, they also showed off the returning warbands that will be getting a revamped physical release with both miniatures and cards for organised play.
Games Workshop previewed plenty of upcoming releases over the weekend. The first was for The Mortal Realms and a new edition of their miniature/board/card game, Warhammer Underworlds. Your warbands will be heading beneath Embergard during the Skaven invasion!
A magical clash awaits in Warhammer Underworlds as a new boxed set has been announced for this hybrid card/board game by Games Workshop. Wyrdhollow will see the Stormcast Eternals going up against Tzeentch in search of all manner of secrets in the Mortal Realms.
The Dream-Chaser Cycle for Fantasy Flight Games' The Lord Of The Rings: The Card Game is going to be packaged up into a couple of new expansion sets! You'll now be able to pick up the Hero and Campaign expansion sets to continue your adventures in Middle-earth.
Fantasy Flight Games has been showing off another of the X-Men coming to Marvel Champions soon. Rogue is going to be swooping into this cooperative card game as a very versatile hero that is able to deal with all manner of foes that might crop up!
Another X-Men character joins the fighting in Fantasy Flight Games' Marvel: Champions. The Cajun card-thrower Gambit is going to be rocking up soon for your cooperative card gaming on the tabletop.
Games Workshop has announced the next set coming out to begin a new season of Warhammer Underworlds. This time around, your warbands are going to be entering the twisted Gnarlwood in search of treasures and glory.
Fantasy Flight Games has shown off more details surrounding the new Storm Hero Pack for Marvel Champions: The Card Game. The mighty Mutant once worshipped as a god is coming to help the rest of the X-Men in their adventures.
Heading on from The Heart of Europe across the dangers of a new City, The Dragon & The Rogue rises at the end of 2022.
Gamegenic Twitter, Gamegenic will be expanding aligned with the Fantasy Flight title. Bringing the likes of Spider-Woman and Venom to a sleek play area.
Wolverine is ready to flex his adamantium claws and regenerative healing factor into the Marvel Champions: The Card Game.
An off-the-wall Scenario Pack is throwing players through the big screen by the entertainment of Mojo and the unfathomable Mojoverse.
Fantasy Flight has teased not just one Hero Pack for Mutant Genesis at Gen Con, but a standalone scenario pack sending players off to Mojoworld.
If you are looking for some more grit and story to dive into, one that may be familiar to you, The Fellowship Of The Ring Saga Expansion, is getting a revival.
The First Hero Pack for Marvel Champions Mutant Genesis is Cyclops. Sure enough to give you a wink if you've threatened the students of the X-Mansion!
Fantasy Flight Games have now released a new cycle for The Lord of The Rings: The Living Card Game, bringing the revised edition into full force!
One of the older expansions for Arkham Horror, Path of Carcosa is heading back into retail this summer. Bringing Arkham Horror a touch of The King in Yellow.
The newest expansion has been teased over at Fantasy Flight Games, bringing the X-Men to focus for the next large release in Mutant Genesis.
Themeborne, the creators of the awesome "Escape The Dark..." series of games have come to Kickstarter with a brand new project. Strike HQ brings RTS-style warfare to the tabletop as part of a brand new card game with plenty of strategic depth.
The Sinister Motives Expansion is bringing forward a Spidey-cast to the deck-building title.
Players can now dip into two choices up ahead in their adventures. Whether they want to enlist a ton of heroes or run straight through into some campaign.
Fantasy Flight Games have released four new pre-made decks for you to flex some heroes into battle drawn together by theme.
Sound the Horn of Gondor, Light the Beacon - we have new content (kind of) for Lord of the Rings LCG!
Fantasy Flight Games are making their way through Arkham Horror, bringing fresh life to previous expansions!
In this week's instalment, Free and her Fellowship head to The Hills of Emyn Muil with no distractions! No eagles needing health, no trolls needing a shift-delete; just one focus: to find Gollum!
Ironheart will be equipping her advanced armour for some justice-filled takedowns to rid the world of horrors in the upcoming Ironheart Hero Pack.
Free will be continuing on through the fearsome woods and rivers that encompass Mirkwood. With the next adventure on the list, A Journey To Rhosgobel.
Bringing more organisation, quality to life improvements and a few extra cards to the Core Set.
The Nova Hero Pack is now available to pre-order. Bringing the galactic police force into your next titanous takedown.
Free & Heroes get into some serious conflict with four trolls! Let's hope we can count on the Beornlings to aid in in this conflict-heavy adventure.
Free & her heroes head off into the Anduin Valley to hunt clues for the elusive Gollum. Will they find him to gain more knowledge of Sauron's dark plans?
Free and her Elf-heavy Middle-earth heroes journey into Dol Guldur, to complete the final scenario from the Core Set of The Lord of the Rings LCG.
Wendy Adams is returning with a darker and edgier twist, and a new scenario Red Ride Rising focusing on her devastating past.
It was time to edge out of the woods, and onto the river, as we push on with this The Lord Of The Rings: The Card Game adventure. Orcs and Spiders make way for terrible Trolls as Free continues her Journey Down The Anduin River.
Free takes on her Journey through Mirkwood, facing many an Orc and Spider through the dark and gloomy forest. Our heroes step up for the challenge, but it is Gandalf who saves the day and gets us through harm!
The Lord Of The Rings: The Card Game from Fantasy Flight Games is getting an updated Core Set next year. With that, a lot of new people are going to be forming Fellowships and heading off on new adventures in Middle-earth. To aid new players, the designers have put together new Starter Decks!
If you are looking for a break from some Spidey shooting and Hulk smashing in serious world fighting crime. The Hood is looking to enlist...
Join me at the start of each week for #MiddleEarthMonday as I plunge my way into The Lord Of The Rings LCG solo. There is a real challenge awaiting me!
Another untouched mystery takes players into uncharted territories. Into the stunning terrain of snow, wind and wilderness Antarctica.
Fantasy Flight Games has detailed what you get as part of The Dark Of Mirkwood campaign that will be available next year for The Lord Of The Rings: The Card Game. Will you get revenge against the Goblins of the forest?
Coming February 2022, the newest core booster set brings 100 new cards into the mix with some game-changing standings with new monsters, forms and summons.