Sail With The Dream-Chaser Set For The Lord Of The Rings: LCG

March 3, 2023 by brennon

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The Dream-Chaser Cycle for Fantasy Flight Games' The Lord Of The Rings: The Card Game is going to be packaged up into a couple of new expansion sets! You'll now be able to pick up the Hero and Campaign expansion sets to continue your adventures in Middle-earth.

The Dream Chaser Expansion - The Lord Of The Rings The Card Game

The Dream-Chaser Expansion // The Lord Of The Rings: The Card Game

Within these two sets, you'll find cards for both players to use when building their decks plus a massive campaign that you can undertake on the high seas of Middle-earth. A new selection of characters like Círdan the Shipwright and Na’asiyah are made available to players, opening up the opportunities for deckbuilding as you take on new challenges.

The Dream Chaser Cards #1 - The Lord Of The Rings The Card Game

The Dream-Chaser Card Fan // The Lord Of The Rings: The Card Game

Set across nine scenarios, this campaign will have you set off from The Grey Havens and explore the shorelines and deep oceans of Middle-earth. You'll delve into the lost ruins of Numenor and face down pillaging corsairs who are intent on ending your journey before it has even begun.

One of the nice things about this set is how thematic it is and how it actually brings in a new set of cards for your adventures. You will be able to play with a host of ships from your fleet that you'll need to protect as you cross the seas.

The Dream Chaser Cards #2 - The Lord Of The Rings The Card Game

The Dream-Chaser Ship Cards - The Lord Of The Rings: The Card Game

That also means a host of new mechanics for you to get your head around but not so many that you'll be overwhelmed. A lot of familiar concepts remain from the core game but there will be plenty here for those seeking a new challenge.

It should be noted that if you collected the original Dream-Chaser cycle when it was first released, the only bonus cards in this set are the campaign cards that link your adventures together. If this is the case, you don't need to buy these two sets and instead, you will be able to print off the new cards from the Fantasy Flight Games website when this releases.

If you're looking for a new adventure and you picked up the Revised Core Set, this might be a good jumping-off point for brand new adventures!

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"Set across nine scenarios, this campaign will have you set off from The Grey Havens and explore the shorelines and deep oceans of Middle-earth..."

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