Gripping Beast Turn Goth With New Starter Warband For SAGA

April 11, 2018 by brennon

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This lot might have had long dark hair but there was probably a lack of make-up in the actual Goth force back in the day. Gripping Beast has put together another SAGA Starter Warband for you with their Goths for Aetius & Arthur.

SAGA Aetius & Arthur #1 - Goth Warband

The force is great for those starting out and contains a whole host of units for you to use. They may be fielded as Visigoths or an Ostrogoth Warband on the tabletop giving you some flexibility as well.

SAGA Aetius & Arthur #2 - Goth Warband

It's neat to see more mounted units getting thrown into the ring. Whilst I prefer a good shield wall to hide behind and warriors on foot I do like the idea of having raiding units of horsemen to tie up units and deliver shock blows against the enemy.

What do you think of the Goths?

"They may be fielded as Visigoths or an Ostrogoth Warband on the tabletop giving you some flexibility as well..."

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Supported by (Turn Off)

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