Drink Tasty Twilight Beverages From Zhontain’s Juice Bar!

September 4, 2019 by brennon

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Zhontain's Juice Bar is the newest Kickstarter for the world of Twilight by Michael Thorp. This quirky new character who previously just existing in sketch form has been turned into a proper miniature and you can snap him up in this small and focused Kickstarter campaign.

Zhontain's Juice Bar - Twilight

The campaign is very simple. You can either pledge for Zhontain and his beast of burden in metal or resin. You can then, of course, expand on this with another version if you like, one for gaming and one for display perhaps, or a larger display base to show him off.

Zhontain's Juice Bar (Model) - Twilight

Some stretch goals have also been added into the mix with a Stat Card for the Juice Bar and one planned for Zhontain too. This is a really fun little Kickstarter which is focused on bringing a wonderful slice of the colourful Twilight world.

If you're interested in getting involved there is just over a week left on the campaign. Lance is a big fan of this miniatures range and you'll have most likely seen him painting some of the characters on livestreams in the past!

What do you make of this wandering juice bar?

"What do you make of this wandering juice bar?"

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