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Manda's (Amachan) Burrows and Badgers

Manda's (Amachan) Burrows and Badgers

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Up until now and plans for the future.

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All my Burrows and Badgers mini's so far.All my Burrows and Badgers mini's so far.

Those are all the mini’s I have for Burrows and Badgers so far and all of them are painted. My plans for the future are completing my warbands. I have 3 so far. When I do have the moneys to buy more I will buy more so I can finish my warbands.

My warbands so far.

The Aonair ClanThe Aonair Clan

This is my main warband and currently only has 3 models. 3 more models will be added in the future which will include my leader and my second.

The Order of St. FromageThe Order of St. Fromage

My mice only warband. This warband will contain only mice and some more will be added in the future to complete it.

Rats of the Burning TailRats of the Burning Tail

This warband is a rogue warband I made. However the cocker spaniel is not part of this warband, but is in this picture for reasons unknown to anyone (because I forgot that I removed the model from the warband). More rats will be added to this list because as of now it only has 1.

Unique entries will be added for every warband once they are completed and I will there go over more detail about the warband. But for now, queue the Redwall Theme Song!

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these are great 🙂


Really lovely work on these minis. They look great!

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