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Stuffed Fables

Stuffed Fables

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Tutoring 6
Skill 14
Idea 7
Lumpy FrontLumpy Front
Lumpy BackLumpy Back

Base – I base the color with Scale75 Miskatonic Grey and Layer with mix of white and Glaze the shadow with mix of black.  Then mix grey with white to cross hatching pattern.

Shirt – I base with Scale75 Amarith Blue and Layer with mix of white and Glaze the shadow with mix of black.  Then mix grey with white to cross hatching pattern.

Meat Grinder Handle – I base the Scale75 Peanut Butter and Layer with mix of white and edge hi light with Vallejo Metal White Aluminum and glaze with blue on the top to make the sky reflection.

Meat Grinder Metal – I base with Vallejo Metal Color Silver


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Cult of Games Member

Awww! He’s adorable even while wielding a meat tenderizer.

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