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Stuffed Fables

Stuffed Fables

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The Haunting Dark Hearts

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Quick & Dirty Paint Jobs

Dark Heart MinionsDark Heart Minions

Sincerely, My effort is nearly lost for this project. The minions are not that Wow for me to paint. So, I decide to make the quick mass production.  My idea is there are from the same batch of doll creation as each patch of individual may come from the other minions.  I picked main 6 colors and randomly painted each path. I select the green as the main colors as the art card and I want to put the opposite color for the eye to make it stand out. The center of the minion that is pulled the plastic heart out is glowing red.

Color Choice

Body Head & 3 Ears: Scale75 5 Colors randomly paint Greenskin Flesh, Surfer Orc Fresh, Goblin Flesh, Armarath Blue, Peanut Butter, Lilith Yellow. Highlight with mix of white and glaze with red with black

Eyes: Scale75 Mayhem Red hilight mix of white and use Red Black Glaze

Needle Work Line: Pure White

Heart Hole:  Under paint with Scale Mishatonic Grey and Purity white and Glaze with Citadel Blood Letter focus on inside the hole


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