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Journey to Middle-Earth

Journey to Middle-Earth

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The Tainted

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 3
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The Tainted must be of my favourite models from the Middle-Earth range, making it a no-brainer choice for a hero in my evil force.


The Tainted

I wanted to do something special for the basing. The Middle-Earth cavalry models with the large round bases are ideal for this. I’m using a washer for the low profile and weight, but it matches  the original bases exactly in diameter (not that I actually care that much).

The dead tree is made by twisting gardening wire, covered with strips of masking tape and putty. The roots and the tips of the branches were done with greenstuff.

The colouring of the model itself is inspired by the one from the Games Workshop team. The ghostly green just looks so cool to me, I didn’t want to deviate from it. I painted it on by airbrushing with couple of tones, then highlighting with a brush.

With the dead tree being there, I got an idea for the mood of the model. I wanted to create an impression of the Righwraith exuding darkness, kind of like reverse object-source lightning (object-source darkness??).

I primed the entire model black, and then pre-shaded only the edges of the base and the opposite side of the tree. Then airbrushes couple of shades of brown for the base and the tree.

For the base, I added some long grass, with the Rightwraith side shaded darker and some dead leaves. Finally the moss on the tree trunk is done with short grass tufts and green pigment powder.

Before primerBefore primer
The Tainted
The Tainted
The Tainted
The Tainted
The Tainted

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What a stunning piece, I can’t help but think that you’ve almost recreated the moment where it’s searching with the hobbits under the roots.

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