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Building a pub interior by Jo from Oathsworn

Building a pub interior by Jo from Oathsworn

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Part 15

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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I then painted the two doors, first with ‘Black Red’, then a dry-brush with ‘Scarlet’ and a wash with the Citadel shade ‘Reikland Fleshshade’. I then painted the handles with ‘Brass’, the inside of the window section black and the door frames with a ‘Chocolate Brown & Black’ mix

Part 15

I then tidied up all the edges of the pub with ‘Payne’s Grey’.

Part 15

Now that the basic pub’s finished I turned my attention back to the furniture…I wasn’t happy with the round tables, so using the tabletop as a template I drew some new tabletops from 3mm foam. I then detailed them to look wooden using my trusty bic pen.

Part 15

I then glued them onto the original tables with PVA and when they were dry I painted them with a mix of Burnt Umber & Black and left them to dry.

Part 15

I then dry-brushed all the wooden tables with ‘Light Brown’ to hi-light the wood-grain.

Part 15

Next I painted the stools with ‘Black Red’ and then dry-brushed them with ‘Scarlet’.

Part 15

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