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Bot War Painting Challenge 2020

Bot War Painting Challenge 2020

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Day 13...

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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3 down, 2 to go....... then 2 more

Day 13...

Roller is finished.

Today was (probably) the last day working on this bot. I still have the base to do but I’ll be removing the Bot from the base to do that as I near the end of the project. I do want to go back and work on each bot to add on some weathering and refine other details should I have time, at the moment they’re all sitting at 90% which I am fine with, but I’d like to do some weathering effects on each bot after I have based them should I have time left.


For now, though this bot will join Dozer & Loader in the done pile.  3 of the Builders are now “done”, 2 left to go, then the big bot, and as that’ll technically only be 6 I will break out another to make it 7…. But that’s still 18 days away

Dozer, Loader, RollerDozer, Loader, Roller
The remaining builder ready for some attentionThe remaining builder ready for some attention

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