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Bot War Painting Challenge 2020

Bot War Painting Challenge 2020

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Day 14...

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Day 14...

Today saw the start of my 4th bot – Digger – one I had been putting off to last as he has a large amount of “metals” and is asymmetric.  I really wanted to make sure I had nailed my paint schema and method before I made a start on it hence leaving him to number 4 out of the 5 bots in the Builder squad (the leader will be number)

I have refrained from using metallic paints on these bots, instead I have tried to create worn and weathered looking points of interest using standard acrylics, texture through drybrushing, filters and recess shading from washes.

Tomorrow I will post a write up specifically on this as this bot has a lot of tracks and details that I can take photos of.


Today though, I have just blocked in the main colours.  As mentioned above this bot is asymmetric so I wanted to make sure the primary green colour would still dominate and not become unbalanced against the large tracks.  Also the pose of the model hides a lot of the body details so I needed to make sure that there was sufficient grey and purple detailing.

My original source of inspiration had the tracks coloured purple, which I didn’t want to use as I didn’t think it looked “real” (ignoring the fact that these are bright green robots).  So I went with my metal colour for the tracks and tried to include purple into the waist and ankles. The inside legs were plain surfaces so in keeping with the other bits I have gone for grey to show for “under armour” joints. This will need to be refined with highlights and black lining to really sell it, and if this unbalance the amount of grey on the model I have the chevrons on the arms I could add some more purple to if its needed (perhaps alternating purple & grey)


Check out those purple trousers! Check out those purple trousers!

My original source of inspiration had the tracks coloured purple, which I didn’t want to use as I didn’t think it looked “real” (ignoring the fact that these are bright green robots).  So I went with my metal colour for the tracks and tried to include purple into the waist and ankles. The inside legs were plain surfaces so in keeping with the other bits I have gone for grey to show for “under armour” joints. This will need to be refined with highlights and black lining to really sell it, and if this unbalance the amount of grey on the model I have the chevrons on the arms I could add some more purple to if its needed (perhaps alternating purple & grey)



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