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Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

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Finally, a Badger Joins the Collection

Tutoring 9
Skill 17
Idea 15

If I’m going to collect miniatures for Burrows and Badgers I should really have a badger in the collection.  So the Badger Sage is finished and ready to advice.  He does look like a wizened old guy, lean from years of travel and adventure. Despite those years, he still looks capable and ready for action.

Finally, a Badger Joins the Collection
Finally, a Badger Joins the Collection
Finally, a Badger Joins the Collection
Finally, a Badger Joins the Collection
Finally, a Badger Joins the Collection
Finally, a Badger Joins the Collection

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Cult of Games Member

Great eyes on the old guy!

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