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Forging a Dynasty

Forging a Dynasty

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Inspiration Credits

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6

As well as the musical influences, this project has painting influences, so before I outline my method I need to give credit to two significant sources of inspiration.

Firstly for the general colour scheme. I was wanting to do something a bit different, and considered an Egyptian, sandstone kind of thing. Also considered a really grimdark horror kind of thing. However when reading the current fiction the Necron forces are being continually reforged into new living metal bodies so whilst they will suffer battle damage, it didn’t feel right that their bodies would be crusty, rusty and corroded. Sure you could force a story but it might get harder to force the upcoming models into that story.

But it was browsing on Instagram that I came across Darren Latham’s necrons. His are very clean, and I want a tad more grimdark, but his general scheme of silver with a blue- green glow had me sold. Kind of conventional and recognisably necron, but a bit different.

In terms of method, a big influence on me at the moment is Marco Frisoni. Yes his results are amazing but it’s more that his painting process is very freeing and very painterly. He uses mixed media including inks and oils, especially when speedpainting, and I am finding the style very liberating. So I want to use oils and inks to create a fun painting process in order to get quick results with a bit of individual character and a soupçon of grimdark.

Take a bow, Darren and Marco!

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Adam FriedmanJennifer Dehner Recent comment authors
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Adam Friedman
Adam Friedman

Thanks for the post. It was interesting to read.

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