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Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

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Guns from Beneath the Earth

Tutoring 9
Skill 15
Idea 14
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So not only is my collection gaining firepower but another tunneler at that. This charming little fellow looks like he has popped up to make sure he’s still on course.  The gun isn’t for show, however, and by the size of it looks like it would do a fair bit of damage.  I thought I had a miscast or couldn’t see one of his feet but it’s there, just under the dirt as he is stepping out of a hole.

Guns from Beneath the Earth
Guns from Beneath the Earth
Guns from Beneath the Earth
Guns from Beneath the Earth
Guns from Beneath the Earth
Guns from Beneath the Earth
Guns from Beneath the Earth

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