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Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

Burrows and Badgers Draws In 144Artist

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Like Magic, the Otter Mage is Finished

Tutoring 10
Skill 13
Idea 12
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The final stages of Object Source Lighting (OSL), or “make the fireball look like it’s glowing” as a friend of mine would say, are done.  I’m still not 100% pleased with all of it but I think the majority came out well so I am calling him finished.  As I mentioned in the previous post I really liked all the opportunity for small details this sculpt offered.  Lines and freehand can be intimidating until you realize, just like writing, it’s really just lines and dots.  Stripes on the end of a sleeve or cloak are an easy place to start practicing as you are just following parallel to the sculpted edge and mess ups are easily cleaned and/or weathered over, as the case may be.

I keep meaning to put together a tutorial…

Like Magic, the Otter Mage is Finished
Like Magic, the Otter Mage is Finished
Like Magic, the Otter Mage is Finished
Like Magic, the Otter Mage is Finished
Like Magic, the Otter Mage is Finished
Like Magic, the Otter Mage is Finished
Like Magic, the Otter Mage is Finished
Like Magic, the Otter Mage is Finished
Like Magic, the Otter Mage is Finished
Like Magic, the Otter Mage is Finished
The The "stars" on the cloak are just dots and a few lines in varying shades of white. Actually WAY easier than patterns.

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Cult of Games Member

Fantastic. A tutorial or paint stage by stage collage would be great for the next mage?

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