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Death, Taxes and Spring Cleaning

Death, Taxes and Spring Cleaning

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Stephen Langton

Tutoring 13
Skill 14
Idea 14
1 Comment

Something completely new painted, not only basing work.I finished Stephen Langton on horseback.

Quite happy how this one turned out. Painting large areas of white is always a little daunting and then there’s the extra pressure of freehand work on top of it. Mistakes with red would’ve been costly.

The steps I used for the white:

  1. White zenithal highlight over black (using Liquitex white ink)
  2. Shading with Citadel Contrast Apothecary white. I didn’t use the normal “contrast method” of flooding the model, instead did more controlled shading. Contrast paints are nice for this too, and Apot. white has a nice tone.
  3. Gradual highlights with Vallejo Off White.
  4. Extreme highlights with pure white (Army Painter). This is mainly to edge the red crosses.



Stephen Langton
Stephen Langton
Stephen Langton
Stephen Langton

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Cult of Games Member

That is stunning

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