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Dead (Wo)Man's Hand

Dead (Wo)Man's Hand

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Part One: Starting? Starter

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 10
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2021 has been a tough year financially and so new models have been few and far between. Not the end of the world as I’m trying to not generate a big backlog after clearing it but still goes against the hobbyist’s nature. Back in June, I got a bit of birthday money and after much pondering decided to pick up the Dead Man’s Hand limited edition two player starter set. Don’t know what makes it limited edition – it was out of stock on the website when I placed my order but it shipped that day so ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

Given each of the sets of minis are £20 each, £40 for two of them, plus the rules, deck of cards, dice, tokens and a piece of MDF terrain is a bargain.

The sculpts are nice. Had a couple of mold misalignments (more serious than a mold line, less serious than needing replaced). There were two in the Outlaws set that also had big holes in them that had to be filled with Milliput before spraying.You also see that I tried taking one off it’s pill base but decided against it for the rest.

Didn’t have much time this week to get into them but I squeezed in a little 30 minute block one morning before work. A quick spray coat of Wraithbone and then with Kislev Flesh for the skin and Vallejo Charred Brown for a couple of hats, boots and all the gun handles.


Part One: Starting? Starter

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