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6mm scifi

6mm scifi

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So on to painting

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11
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So as with all 6mm I’ve kept the colours as simple as possible and  wash


For these I’ve used the following

Tunic: Vallejo German Yellow

Trousers : A citadel green. Might be snot green but don’t quote me

Boots and packs: Vallejo German Camo Brown

Weapons :Vallejo Brown Sand

Flesh:  Humbrol Matt Acrylic 5061

Bare metal: might be a citadel one or an Instar one. Can’t honestly remember but there basically all the same

Head Coverings :Vallejo Deck Tan

Wash: Army Painter soft tone

Any red bits: Instar Red


Some of the tunics have been done in Vallejo buff as I experimented

Now I’m just waiting for bases from Vanguard to arrive and some basing texture to come from Vallejo

While we wait heres some dodgy photos

So on to painting
So on to painting

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