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6mm scifi

6mm scifi

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New toys arrived

Tutoring 7
Skill 12
Idea 12
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To quote the official GW selling manual (or at least I heard GW staff say it)  More Teeny Tiny fighting men have arrived !!!



New toys arrived

At the moment I have no idea what colour to paint them so I had a quick peek at some GW painting sites for inspiration.

So after having a good  look  round the internet (I looked at so many sites  I had to buy a whole new barrel of freshly mined internet for the job)  it seemed  to me that  as soon as the grimdark started all the heads of the legions made a beeline for their nearest Laura Ashley store to bulk buy  chalk based pastel coloured paint for  their armour and in the end  none of them really inspired me


At the moment Im not 100 % sure what colour I want really  . All I do know is that the guns have to be red. I shall ponder these questions while I remove flash and mould lines and post more out of focus  action shots later

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