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British 8th Army Konflikt '47

British 8th Army Konflikt '47

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Selecting a Task and Setting a Goal

Tutoring 10
Skill 12
Idea 14
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The first step for my Spring Cleaning effort was picking something to work on. With the Closet of Opportunity loaded with un-assembled and/or unpainted miniatures (along with the occasional finished product) there were plenty of things to choose from.

The Closet of OpportunityThe Closet of Opportunity

A lot of my hobby time goes toward Warhammer 40,000 since those are the models that hit the table most often for me but for this Sprint Cleaning effort, naturally, I wanted to go for something that had been languishing for longer but still might see so play time if I got it done. For that reason I chose Konflict ’47 / Bolt Action.

Several years ago when Warlord released the British 8th Army (I think it was the shorts that did it for me) starter army I picked it up with the intent of getting into the game but got pulled away to other things and never got beyond assembling a few things and getting them primed. More recently I supplemented this unused army of bits with stuff for Konflict ’47 but still never made any headway on getting an army put together. So now is the time.

I spent a little while clicking around in an army builder to get an idea for points and selected from my collection around 1000 of Bolt Action models and then about another 1000 of K47 specific things. I selected models with the goal of being able to make legal lists, though not necessarily effective ones, with an eye towards the sort of models I found most interesting and hopefully the most fun to work on.

Bolt Action ModelsBolt Action Models
Konflict '47 ModelsKonflict '47 Models

So that’s the goal; let’s see how far I make it.

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Cult of Games Member

That’s a wonderful closet!

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