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British 8th Army Konflikt '47

British 8th Army Konflikt '47

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Automated Infantry

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10
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The Automated Infantry start with the techniques for painting armor described in the Picking Paint Schemes post.

  • Brown Tamiya Panel Liner is used to accent panel lines and darken recesses.
  •  Hashut Copper (Citadel) is used for piping.
  • The guns are painted with Gunmetal Grey (Vallejo Model Color)
  • Brass Balls (Formula P3) with a wash of Nuln Oil (Citadel) are used for the ammo belts.
  • The finned area on the lower back is on the lower back of the robots is painted as a Tesla power cell and is painted with a base of white and then washed with a thinned down Arcane Blue (Forumla P3.)
  • The pressure gauge on the chest are painted white with a red band with Mephiston Red (Citadel) for the danger zone.
  • The eye lenses are are based in white, painted over with Mephiston Red (Citadel) and then a spot of white is added as a lens reflection.
  • Secret Weapon Pigments Dark Yellow is used on the lower legs, particularly in the joints.
  • The grass tufts are Mountain Tufts (the brown ones) and Jungle Tufts (the green ones) are from The Army Painter.

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