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Star Wars Republic forward command center

Star Wars Republic forward command center

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Project Entry by fleboy Cult of Games Member

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"To the forward command center bring me!" - Master Yoda in Episode II

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Command Center in the movie (source Wookipedia)Command Center in the movie (source Wookipedia)

This is one of the most iconic terrain pieces from the battle of Geonosis and is known as objective marker in video games like Star Wars Battlefront.

I wanted to recreate that piece of terrain as an objective for the 28mm tabletop for a long time. Luckily I found a 3d file for not only the command post but also the crew. This was a collaboration among Darkfire Desings and 3five Design and I’m really impressed how detailed the design is.

I printed the the command center and the ramp on my FDM printer, the crew, the seats and the antenna were printed via my resin printer.

Here are the links where you can get the files:

Command center:


I bought the model myself so #noadvertisinghere

Although the command post didn’t get enough screen time in my opinion it will now get its deserved attention on my tabletop.

Thanks for reading and until next time!


Finished modelFinished model

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