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STALINGRAD Bolt Action Mega Battle!

STALINGRAD Bolt Action Mega Battle!

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Regular Heer Squad.

Tutoring 15
Skill 17
Idea 17
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Regular Heer Squad.
A somewhat surprising omission from my Stalingrad Mega Project, at this rather developed stage has been until now, the inclusion of any Regular German Infantry.
Watching TIK History videos about the battle of Stalingrad (now there is a Stalingrad Mega Project!) with such units as 24th Panzer, 100th Jager and Pioneer units very much captured my imagination. And upon finding  featured units and troop types in the accompanying ‘Campaign Stalingrad’ book, with special rules for ‘Panzergrenadier Stalingrad’ and ‘Jager’ squads, as well as the ever popular ‘Pioneer’ units in the ‘Armies of Germany book gave me a lot of great material to work with.
I confess to originally seeing the bog standard German Heer unit as a bit Vanilla, however I am now very keen to get a platoon up and running before Christmas.
I love the miniatures and can’t wait to use them on the tabletop, though fairly cautiously, as I will be running them as Regular, and even when at full strength (when I have painted more), they will struggle against the level of fire power that many Soviet units can kick out. The 12 man Soviet SMG squads being particularly feared.
My ambition is to build this 5 man squad into a full strength 3 squad platoon, with 2 MMG teams, a medium mortar, Sniper, AT rifle and heavy howitser, and blast the enemy at arms length. Probably to hold the centre of my planned German side of the Stalingrad Table. I can use the 24th Panzer and the Jagers on the flanks as they are much more mobile, and better suited for objective grabbing in a city fight. These guys will have the difficult of holding the line, and hopefully whittling down enemy.

Scenery by 4Ground with a degree of decoration from myself.

Miniatures by Warlord Games:

Blitzkrieg German Infantry plastic boxed set

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