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Busty Dredd

Busty Dredd

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The painting

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 9
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So I have been experimenting with painting using contrast paints in particular the Xpress Color <- both words spelled wrong, don’t get me started.

I have found I dislike them for end game but they do actually fit one of my existing paint processes.  That’s of base coating the entire model before painting further. I do this to make sure I am picking out the right things and the focus is in the right place.

This is similar to slap chop but I don’t slap or chop (every part is painted over and shades adjusted), but I’m not kink shaming here. Paint how you want with what you want as long as you enjoy it. If you stop enjoying it, put it in the bin. (or have a tantrum and set fire to it and post the video online)

This is actually much faster for me and looks better than using thinned down paint to do the same thing. Only thing is it’s difficult as hell to control this type of paint without just using it as a glaze. who would have thought when you flood a brush it would balloon and lose it’s razor sharp tip…

Express colour painted zenith Bust. No idea why this is sideways.Express colour painted zenith Bust. No idea why this is sideways.

Overall I think this could make me happy. it looks comic booky and has a cell shaded look. This was the first time when I thought I would actually finish this. This was the one it was about to happen for the first time and it was going to be beautiful.

So What did I do?

Start to worry about how it’s going to look when done..

This was high risk. Other busts have suffered the same fate. The bin was growling in the background hungry for more busty goodness. So what did I do? (I will ask again for you) I started working on the display. The bin was now grinning with delight.

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