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Fallout: The Search for the Fountain of Youth

Fallout: The Search for the Fountain of Youth

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Something Lurks…..

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4

Next up for the wasteland-full-of-dangers are mirelurks!

I didn’t manage to catch all the steps in photos, it was nothing fancy, but I got a few:

I also bought a 3×3 gaming mat, and some MDF terrain from Warcradle Scenics to create an environment for them.  This will make for some interesting scenarios trying to clear out the infestation!

Something Lurks…..
Something Lurks…..
Something Lurks…..
Something Lurks…..

The photo setup.  Not professional by any means, and just using my phone handheld, so a lot can be improved, but I enjoyed crawling around on the bedroom floor to try to create some environmental pictures!

Something Lurks…..

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Dan (@DarkDanegan)hutch Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Ingenious set up for the photos. The backdrop you used is particularly nice. Is it the same image repeated over and over again? Is it an actual backdrop or something else you found for the purpose? either way it definitely looks the part in the pictures.

Love the way you have painted the Mirelurk Queen too.

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