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Dwarven Ambush - A Kings of War Red Book Army

Dwarven Ambush - A Kings of War Red Book Army

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2023 May 6th Update

Tutoring 2
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Finally a game! Woodstock and I have started to joke about this project being cursed, it has taken us the best part of four months to get a game in. We’ve been taking turns at being ill with Covid, chest infections, migraines and goodness knows what else. However, on the last day of April, we managed to get a wee Mantic game day in.

2023 May 6th Update

We fit in two games at 750 points. Both were pretty evenly matched and deadly as hell. We didn’t make it past turn four in either game. It was a lot of fun and  though there was a fair bit of checking the book in game one, game two had a much better flow.

Running the game on 3ft by 3ft, the dwarves didn’t feel as slow as I was expecting them to. Crushing strength on those ogres is brutal, my dwarves quaked in their tiny boots frequently.

2023 May 6th Update

We’ve agreed to go up to 1000 points in the next month – she is adding a Giant and I’ll be adding some ranged. Not having any unit to be plinking away as the melee units moved in felt like a wasted opportunity.

2023 May 6th Update

We had just enough time to fit in a demo game of Armada. Don’t know I loved it but maybe with a second game in the future to see if the things that annoyed me would stop me from playing it or just take a bit of getting used to. Lack of a water mat wasn’t one of my deal breakers 🙂

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