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PanzerKaput Goes To Barons' War

PanzerKaput Goes To Barons' War

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Britcon and my First Tourament

Tutoring 7
Skill 6
Idea 7
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My Prize and SpoonMy Prize and Spoon

Here are some photos of my games at The Barons’ War: A Medieval Skirmish Game tournament from last weekend at Britcon. First I would like to Bartosz Nowicki for being a massive gent and organising the show, demoing games while we played and for all the hard work he put in to create this and make the best special.

I would also like to thank all the guys for playing or just popping by to say hi and see the the games as you guys also made it as you are the best playing guys.

Also Mark Farr and Footsore for support the event and without you guys there would be no Barons War.

So what can I say about my event and first tournament for a day and a age. Well the first game went so well right up to the moment a unit of sergeants ran away a long with the rest of my army but my glorious green bowmen stayed after ranking up the most kills of my retinue.

The second game was edgy, no one wanted the middle ground and bowmen and crossbowmen covered it, when to flank my opponent, blunted both attacks and took the objective. Again my green bowmen stayed the course and did the most kills again, Noticing a theme?

Last game, had to stop the attack from burning down the village, let say that went well, set firs to four building, failed to put out any, my Baron changed his green levy with spears and came off worst, Then they got shot up and ran away. But wish who needn’t run away, and who killed the most? Anyone? Yes indeed it was my green bowmen. I think I should just have an army of green troops.

Well I lost all three games, got the least points, and won the wooden spoon. I also won the best painted retinue, which was very nice and proved I am style over content, oh what a dedicated follower of fashion, lol.

Well done Nick Dunning for winning, for Kieran Kirkham for Most Sporting Chap and Benedict Coffin for the best retinue background story.

Here are a few photos of the day

#thebaronswar #fsinspired #warhost #britcon #footsore #outremer

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