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Assorted Terrain

Assorted Terrain

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Project 5

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Project 5
Project 5
Project 5

For the last project I’ve broken out the airbrush again and painted up the terrain from the shatterpoint core box.

It mostly done with army painters air paints. The grey areas are done with:
Iron Wolf
Wolf Grey
Storm Wolf
and the light brown areas are:
Charred Bone
Skeleton Bone
Bleached Bone

The Storm Wolf and Bleached Bone are also the edge highlights for there respective areas

The weathering is done with Rawhide brown lightly sprayed into the recesses.

The metallics are leadbelcher over black and the light are done light dusting around the lights with white through the airbrush and then Iyanden Yellow also through the airbrush.

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