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Siege of Acre 1191 - TerrainFest 2023

Siege of Acre 1191 - TerrainFest 2023

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Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 6
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Foam actually takes paint well and you have a couple of options. The large tubes of acrylic craft store paint work well and with a little added water will absorb into the foam giving it a strong colour that handles tears etc well.

BUT!… It takes a long time to dry as foam by its very nature kind of locks in the moisture and takes a long time to air dry.

So for expediency I opted for sprays for this project. I had a couple of cans of spray lying around, so it was a bit of a no brainer to use them up. My main colour was army painter desert yellow.


After desert yellow its was kind of random blasts of paints and weathering sprays to break things up.

A dark brown was used in the dry moat over the top of the thinned mix of Tec7 Silicone and Cork Rubble.

Then it was all left to dry to see how it might turn out…

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