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Siege of Acre 1191 - TerrainFest 2023

Siege of Acre 1191 - TerrainFest 2023

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Details Make the Difference

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Details Make the Difference

It was now time to start adding the little additional details to the terrain pieces to help break up the uniformity and just add a little more of a lived in look.

I had 3d printed some little middle eastern style ‘Hole in the Wall’ stores and decided to add some to the walls just to change things up a touch.

Details Make the Difference

Then it was time to start setting out the inner part of the city. I wanted the option of quite dense terrain layouts for more skirmish style games where two forces are fighting street to street.

Details Make the Difference

The buildings were a little too bright for my tastes so I mixed up a simple wash using the tame models mates brown weathering sprays I used everywhere else on the board to knock back the brightness a touch.

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