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The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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101 MTG: The Herb Gatherer

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
No Comments

Models remaining:
: 0, Normal: 42, Luxury: 11, Modular: 48, Bits Box: 3, Terrain sets: 13, To Ship: ATO Wave 2, TSoH, KDM
Models Finished in Collection: 2970 Models since start of project: 6556 out of 63 completed and still not done!

With 2023’s targets finally met, and a little time left of my Christmas holiday I set about building all the remaining non-modular playable survivor models I have, and got them primed.  In the process I noticed that the herb gatherer is a really annoying build.  Take a look at the pics below.  you see how you need to paint the base before gluing the “water” on?  Now you see those 3 bits of plant poking through?  Those are separate pieces that can only be glued to the base, through the water, once the water is glued on.  This means she needs to be painted with 3 sub-assemblies that are basically tiny blades of grass.  Whoever thought that was a good idea needs to be fired.  I painted them on the sprue and made her my first job to get it over with and make sure I didn’t throw the sprue away by accident.

Just under 30 models built and primed and ready for paintingJust under 30 models built and primed and ready for painting

The Herb Gatherer, Gamblers Chest, Kingdom Death

Future me, here's the paints I used on here dress, should you want to repeat this.  I never went pure Menoth White HighlightFuture me, here's the paints I used on here dress, should you want to repeat this. I never went pure Menoth White Highlight

Since taking those pics I have gone back and applied two more coats of gloss varnish to the water and it now looks a lot clearer and wet.

I have also fully painted the white lion fur on 7 models, applied a base coat to all the unattached bases, and started work on the only 3 Dragon King armour based survivors.

I’ve also got back to playing Aeon Trespass.  My Hobby Pledges for 2024 focus more on me playing games this year.  I’m buying all these expensive campaign games and I actually want to play them.  Cycles 4 and 5 are supposed to arrive Q1 this year and I want to finish Cycle 3 before they get here.  At my current rate it should take around 6 weekends of play to do that, so being done before the end of Q1 should be simple enough.  We all know no KS gets delivered on time, especially with Chinese New Year happening around the shipping date.

101 MTG: The Herb Gatherer

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