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Joker Crew – Batman Miniatures Game 3rd Edition

Joker Crew – Batman Miniatures Game 3rd Edition

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Project Blog by mbbelius Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 6

About the Project

For spring cleaning challenge, I'm going to dust down and carry on with my Joker Crew for the Batman Miniatures game. Started it probably 3 or 4 months ago but didn't finish. Plan is to, as much as possible, to use contrast paints for quickness and ease of use.

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A days progress

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
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Well I managed to get a bit further today than planned.

I’ve finished the one model that I was planning to and also put some of the finishing touches to a few others.

These are not golden demon standard but for me perfectly usable at table top standard and the 2ft rule 🙂

Very detailed models that in turn take the contrast paints well. The blue and the purple needed a couple of coats to get the desired effect.

I do plan to go back to these to maybe use some normal paints to add some further highlights / details but for now pretty happy with the progress.

A days progress

Finally - a day off!!

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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Well its been a very busy week but I now have a day off so it’s time to throw some contrast paints done. I’ve picked one of the most dynamic models in the set – looking forward to this bad boy 🙂

Here's the starting point!!

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 4
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Right, so lets see with were we got to before the dust began to accumulate!

All models built and primed, some did get some paint on them and others didn’t.

Starting PointStarting Point
Colour PaletteColour Palette

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