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Dark Age Of Sigmar – Painting Grimdark In The Mortal Realms

Dark Age Of Sigmar – Painting Grimdark In The Mortal Realms

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Project Blog by brennon

Recommendations: 62

About the Project

I've always thought that The Mortal Realms, whilst presented as a shimmering High Fantasy universe, is at its best when you "game in the gaps" and tinker with the grimdark nature of the realms. With that in mind, I thought I'd show off some of my work trying to bring that to the tabletop. This is also a Spring Clean Challenge as I am working on a backlog of old Warhammer Age Of Sigmar miniatures that I've had lying around for ages.

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Stab Grot Be Stabbin'...In The Mud

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Looking to start work on some Kruleboyz soon. Might go through another little tutorial on bringing them to life as well. That would be the two core armies of the “new edition” sorted then. See what you make of this Stab Grot…

This reminds me that the actual Kruleboyz shouldn’t be that hard to paint and in some cases, might be easier than the actual Stormcast.

I am tempted to go in and do a highlight on the shield to make that red stand out wildly. Let me know what you think…

Some Examples Of Other Dark Age Of Sigmar Miniatures

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I’ve been playing around with this idea and theme for a while. With that in mind, I thought I’d show off some of the other miniatures I have done in this similar style. When mixed together, I think it produces a fun and interesting world to dive into!

From the Warrior Starter Set...From the Warrior Starter Set...
...and part of my idea to dive into some Spring Cleaning to get this all finished off...and part of my idea to dive into some Spring Cleaning to get this all finished off
A basic Stormcast Eternal. The scheme can be replicated quickly meaning it shouldn't be hard to get an army painted like thisA basic Stormcast Eternal. The scheme can be replicated quickly meaning it shouldn't be hard to get an army painted like this
Fyreslayers done in a similar style with very subtle OSL on the axes. I liked the deep orange skin and red hair alongside the goldFyreslayers done in a similar style with very subtle OSL on the axes. I liked the deep orange skin and red hair alongside the gold

How I Paint Grimdark Stormcast Eternals - Continued!

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Throw on a drybrush of a light brown to catch the Stirland Mud and then get this onto cloaks, boots and such to show wear and tearThrow on a drybrush of a light brown to catch the Stirland Mud and then get this onto cloaks, boots and such to show wear and tear
Now some fun and easy object source lighting. Play around with a white/light blue and be daring, working on a light source to again, draw the eye!Now some fun and easy object source lighting. Play around with a white/light blue and be daring, working on a light source to again, draw the eye!
The finished Warhammer Underworlds/Warcry warband with the light effect used in different ways on the three miniatures to give them an etheral appearanceThe finished Warhammer Underworlds/Warcry warband with the light effect used in different ways on the three miniatures to give them an etheral appearance
The ghostly Aetherwing which also shows off some more OSL and the use of tufts (which are on the other bases now) to add some varietyThe ghostly Aetherwing which also shows off some more OSL and the use of tufts (which are on the other bases now) to add some variety

I hope that was a handy guide and don’t forget to rim the bases in black because metal/grimdark/bloody/dark reasons!

How I Paint Grimdark Stormcast Eternals

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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I’ve had some questions on how to paint Grimdark Stormcast Eternals and so I thought I would dive in and show you via this project. This is also an attempt to earn that coveted tutorial click from Gerry…

Start with an undercoat of black...Start with an undercoat of black...
Drybrush with a suitable metal paint (in this case, it was Leadbelcher)Drybrush with a suitable metal paint (in this case, it was Leadbelcher)
Fill in portions of the miniatures armour with that off-gold. I really like Balthasar Gold from GW as it works like a bronze/gold at the same timeFill in portions of the miniatures armour with that off-gold. I really like Balthasar Gold from GW as it works like a bronze/gold at the same time
Paint straps and belts with a dark brownPaint straps and belts with a dark brown
Provide some variety with a lighter brown on elements like scabbards and glovesProvide some variety with a lighter brown on elements like scabbards and gloves
Go in and add a lighter colour to draw the eye. In my case, a red on the hafts of the weapons and strappingGo in and add a lighter colour to draw the eye. In my case, a red on the hafts of the weapons and strapping
Another colour for cloaks and robes. I went with blue to tie back to the classic colour for the Stormcast Eternals of the Hammers Of SigmarAnother colour for cloaks and robes. I went with blue to tie back to the classic colour for the Stormcast Eternals of the Hammers Of Sigmar
Hit the miniature with a wash of Agrax Earthshade and Reikland Fleshshade on the bronze/gold parts. Reikland also works to show rustHit the miniature with a wash of Agrax Earthshade and Reikland Fleshshade on the bronze/gold parts. Reikland also works to show rust
I missed this earlier but make sure to paint the gaunt, pale skin (I uses the Idoneth colours) and then highlight it back up after the washI missed this earlier but make sure to paint the gaunt, pale skin (I uses the Idoneth colours) and then highlight it back up after the wash
With the bases, if sculpted work in some classic standard grey...With the bases, if sculpted work in some classic standard grey...
...then get stuck in with the Stirland Mud and coat the base with the stuff. Don't be afraid to get it on the miniature!...then get stuck in with the Stirland Mud and coat the base with the stuff. Don't be afraid to get it on the miniature!