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Starlights Mice & Mystics Dungeonalia Youngling

Starlights Mice & Mystics Dungeonalia Youngling

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Project Blog by Starlight7757

Recommendations: 28

About the Project

Starlight paints the heroes from the Mice & Mystic set she got for Christmas. Many thanks to Ironshield for being so generous with the game.

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The beginning

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 4
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Starlight recieved Mice and Mystics for Christmas and she wants to paint the mice heroes from it for the Dungeonalia competition. Her plan once she finishes them is to move onto the Rat badguys.

Many thanks to Ironshield for sending this out in time for Xmas. Top chap!

Day 1 of Painting

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 2
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Got some free time today so Starlight got down to some painting. A simple start of cloaks on the heroes. The plan is to move onto either the weapons or the fur next time. I was very happy to see her thinning her paints without being prompted.

Day 2 of Painting

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 2
1 Comment

Second day of painting today. Time to paint the the flesh/fur, we didn’t have as many shades of brown as we thought. The GW paint XV-88 is a bit more orange that we thought, although I’m sure once a wash is put onto it that will darken down a bit.

Day 3 of Painting

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Just some weapons painted today, both the hafts and the heads. Need to keep pushing the project on but the TV is strong and must be defeated.

Day 4 of Painting

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 1
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After a bit of a break we got back to some painting this morning.

Splat the At. The baddies got undercoats then painted black over the top. Splat the At. The baddies got undercoats then painted black over the top.

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