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Battlefleet Gothic The Plaguefleet of Nurgle

Battlefleet Gothic The Plaguefleet of Nurgle

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Project Blog by jocke Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 59

About the Project

I´ve decided to pimp up an old BFG Chaos Fleet I´ve got to do some Nurgle Death Guard. I started with a Desolator Battleship and remodel it to be my Terminus Est Battle Barge. Used some Milliput to Nurgleficate it, next will be some tentacles with green Stuff. After this I will remodel my other ships to fit the Nurgle Fleet. In addition I will build a Death Guard Killteam for Shadow War.

This Project is Completed

The building of the Terminus Est

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 8
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I´ve started with an classic Desolator Battleship to rework it as my Terminus Est Battle Barge. The plan is to field a 1500 Points Fleet build around the Terminus Est. Next step will be to add some tentacles with greenstuff, still waiting on my tools from greenstuffworld.

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4

Now my tools from Greenstuff World have arrived and I made some nice little tentacles.


Next Step: Painting!

Prime Time and Heavy Metal storage!

Tutoring 3
Skill 1
Idea 4
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Primed CruisersPrimed Cruisers
Terminus Est primedTerminus Est primed

I started priming the Ships with Army Painter Necrotic Flesh and gave it a shading from the bottom with Vallejo Model Air Olive Green with my Airbrush.

Also I´ve found the perfect storage solution for the Fleet (Warren will love this)


The Great Green Arkleseizure is done... HUMMA KAVULA!

Tutoring 3
Skill 11
Idea 9
The Great Green Arkleseizure is done... HUMMA KAVULA!

Finished my 1500pts Fleet, it was the most fun I´ve had in a long time to create this.

If you liked it, please put a comment below and tell me if you want to see more.

I´ll try to do more tutorial stuff, but my english isn´t very well.


Thank you all for liking and sharing.

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