The Latest X-Men Coming Soon To Marvel: Crisis Protocol

February 12, 2024 by brennon

Atomic Mass Games is closing in on the release of some new X-Men for Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Three new sets are currently available to pre-order ahead of a release at the start of March. Are you going to be scooping up some of these new 40mm miniatures?

Bishop & Nightcrawler - Marvel Crisis Protocol

Bishop & Nightcrawler // Marvel: Crisis Protocol

We start with miniatures for Bishop & Nightcrawler who are going to be bringing their unique set of skills into the mix for your X-Men teams and beyond. Nightcrawler can bamf into the middle of the fighting and deliver a decisive blow or you can use him to get your teammates out of trouble. Bishop brings his assortment of advanced weapons and the ability to absorb and redirect energy.

Bishop & Nightcrawler Miniatures - Marvel Crisis Protocol

Bishop & Nightcrawler - Miniatures // Marvel: Crisis Protocol

The miniatures in the set come with different assembly options which is pretty neat and look like they would be great fun to paint. Nightcrawler in particular seems like he could be a lot of fun, especially with the bamf effect underneath him. These miniatures work well in any team but especially with the Uncanny X-Men or X-Force.

Next up, we have Iceman & Shadowcat!

Iceman & Shadowcat - Marvel Crisis Protocol

Iceman & Shadowcat // Marvel: Crisis Protocol

These two awesome X-Men enter the fray as low-cost options for those looking to bulk out their team in Marvel: Crisis Protocol. They also come with some ace Team Tactic Cards allowing you to make good use of their abilities and help other Mutants joining you.

Iceman & Shadowcat Miniatures - Marvel Crisis Protocol

Iceman & Shadowcat - Miniatures // Marvel: Crisis Protocol

The miniature for Iceman is awesome, sliding into the action on that huge shard of ice. It's a big miniature of course but one that feels like it slots into the action going on around him. He should also be a pretty easy miniature to paint with washes and drybrushing. Shadowcat is also ace, phasing through the remains of a downed Sentinel.

Last but not least, we have some big characters from the X-Men side of Marvel. Professor X and Shadow King are on the way.

Professor X & Shadow King - Marvel Crisis Protocol

Professor X & Shadow King // Marvel: Crisis Protocol

Both Professor X and Shadow King bring their abilities to manipulate the flow of combat to the tabletop, allowing them to alter the battlefield in ways that aid their teams. You might not get much out of Professor X when Hulk comes in to smash him around but you can keep your foes in check with mental abilities that should baffle your foes.

Professor X & Shadow King Miniatures - Marvel Crisis Protocol

Professor X & Shadow King - Miniatures // Marvel: Crisis Protocol

Professor X brings long-awaited Leadership abilities to the Uncanny X-Men whilst Shadow King is a high-threat miniature with a unique playstyle that should challenge your opponents. Some great miniatures for collectors looking to finish off their X-Men range.

Will you be scooping up these new miniatures at the beginning of March?

"The miniature for Iceman is awesome, sliding into the action on that huge shard of ice..."

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