Hold Tight In A Savage Party Game Of Survival On Kickstarter

July 29, 2022 by fcostin

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Do you think you have what it takes to survive under all means necessary? In Savage: A Game of Survival players are tasked to endure the apocalypse, making it out alive as their main goal. As they fight against corruption and murder within their midsts... also known as the opponents.

A new hidden-identity game has been unearthed on Kickstarter, bringing a game of brutal and savage survival to team up and escape a catastrophic event that leaves players in a tense atmosphere of twists and turns.

SAVAGE: A Game of Survival | OFFICAL TRAILER // RayJ Banna

Players will be expected to manage resources and join forces to survive until they are rescued by externally formed civilisations. However, not all players are out for hope and glory. The downtrodden atmosphere is driven by greed and hate, caused by a societal collapse in history. Each player is out for their own, with some traitors having underlying evil intentions.

These traitors will be amongst the crowd allied to take out the weakest link. Whilst the good guy survivors hope to leave the fresh hell, to get out alive and rescued or take down the traitor amongst the ranks across a series of four rounds.

Savage A Game Of Survival - Grinly Games

Savage A Game Of Survival // Grinly Games

Managing the likes of food, traps and liquor playing through a series of events As they manage starvation and survival to hang on to last hope. My gaming group is certainly stabby enough for me to suspect everybody around the table!

There are several different pledges available if you are looking for a new party game to keep everybody on their toes. Including a standard input to the game for £28. However, if you are looking for something a little more special, you can upgrade components such as sleeves and tokens in their upgrade packages.

Identity Card Preview - Savage A Game Of Survival

Identity Card Preview // Savage: A Game Of Survival

Something to keep the room tense but in a fun semi-cooperative experience. Certainly enough to keep your table engaged! The campaign has 23 days left on the clock and has already been funded.

Everybody is arrogant enough to think they'd survive the apocalypse, but do you think you would survive the apocalypse if it was your set of friends hindering your escape?

"Players will be expected to manage resources and join forces to survive until they are rescued by externally formed civilisations..."

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