Travel Through Time In New Tales From The Loop Expansion

September 18, 2019 by brennon

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Free League Publishing has been sharing information about a new expansion coming to the world of Tales From The Loop, their award-winning roleplaying game featuring art by the wonderfully talented Simon Stålenhag.

Out Of Time Cover - Fria Ligan

The new book contains a full campaign which involves time travel and mysteries for your kids to solve during their alternative 1980s setting. As well as that you'll also find stunning artwork and tools for generating your own adventures plus there's also a set of mini-adventures based on hit songs. I can't wait to see what those are!

Whilst Out Of Time is compatible with Tales From The Loop it can also be used with Things From The Flood too, the teenage versions of the game which pushed things into the 1990s.

If this wasn't cool enough, the Tales From The Loop is still currently in the works to become a TV series with the help of Amazon. Could this be their answer to Stranger Things?

The book will be available on 8th October.

Are you going to be picking up this time-travelling adventure?

"Are you going to be picking up this time-travelling adventure?"

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