Help Your Barbed Tongue With Loke’s Deck Of Many Insults

November 30, 2023 by brennon

Viciously mock and joke your way through your Fantasy worlds in D&D with the Deck Of Many Insults from the folks at Loke BattleMats. You can check out the campaign right now over on BackerKit!

Deck Of Many Insults - Loke BattleMats

Deck Of Many Insults BackerKit // Loke BattleMats

The Deck Of Many Insults comes with 100 cards that are going to be useful for getting the upper hand in a social duel. Your barbed wit and silver tongue will have a new gleam as you crack out some of these corkers. These are going to be amazing for those playing Bards who need some zingers for use with Vicious Mockery but all adventurers can benefit from this deck.

Deck Of Many Insults Example #1 - Loke BattleMats

Deck Of Many Insults Example // Loke BattleMats

Within the set, you'll find plenty of comparisons to monsters from 5th Edition D&D as well as roasts that are perfectly suited to a Fantasy world. What's even better is that Loke have got James Hayball to do some wonderful artwork to illustrate the cards including the back end of a dragon!

Deck Of Many Insults Example #2 - Loke BattleMats

Deck Of Many Insults Example // Loke BattleMats

As well as the card decks, there will also be a PDF random roll table created for those wanting to roll their way into a bunch of insults on the fly. There will also be a package of Naughty NPC Names, Cheeky Spells and Amusing Magic Items introduced into the mix as well which is great.

Stretch Goals include a set of statistics for those looking to introduce Birdy The Dragon (pictured here) into your games and an amazing PDF called All Of The Places You Can &%$£ Off To! which is pretty awesome.

I love that Loke is having so much fun with this one and it seems like it could be a properly fun way to expand your Dungeon Mastering arsenal.

Will you be snapping this up?

"The Deck Of Many Insults comes with 100 cards that are going to be useful for getting the upper hand in a social duel..."

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