Enjoy Cosy Adventures With Rebellion’s Tiny In The Tower

October 31, 2022 by brennon

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Rebellion Unplugged are working alongside Adventure Presents' Rose Whittaker and JJ Ariosa to take you on a cosy Fantasy adventure on the tabletop. Watch out for the Kickstarter coming soon for Tiny In The Tower.

Tiny In The Tower - Rebellion Unplugged

Tiny In The Tower // Rebellion Unplugged

Tiny In The Tower Kickstarter // Rebellion Unplugged

Heading to Kickstarter this month, this is a stand-alone adventure where a band of literally small-time heroes are going to be heading to a magical tower in search of a missing wizard. Your job turns into something a LOT bigger than you'd expected.

The idea behind Tiny In The Tower is that it should be a fun out-of-the-box adventure for you to dive into and you should be able to play this with roleplayers of all ages. I certainly like the theme of this roleplaying game and it sounds like it could be a lot of fun.

Watch out for the Kickstarter soon!

"The idea behind Tiny In The Tower is that it should be a fun out-of-the-box adventure..."

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