Loke BattleMats Head Into Space With Blue Nebula Kickstarter!

November 10, 2021 by brennon

Loke BattleMats are coming to Kickstarter next week on 16th November with Beyond The Blue Nebula, a range of 100 plus digital maps for you to use in your Sci-Fi adventures on the tabletop.

Beyond The Blue Nebula Kickstarter - Loke Battle Mats

Beyond The Blue Nebula Kickstarter // Loke BattleMats

As well as the 100 detailed maps there will also be 500 tiles and tokens that are useful for adding narrative to your Sci-Fi RPGs on the tabletop. All of the elements of this Kickstarter have also been made Virtual Tabletop (VTT) ready so you can easily slide them into your own campaigns.

Blastnova Interior - Loke Battle Mats

Blastnova Interior // Loke BattleMats

Within these maps, you'll find variations on the different ships including furnished, unfurnished and access to multiple decks meaning you can go as detailed as you like. There are also gridless and gridded versions of each design, starscape backgrounds and ways to add transparency to the different layered variants.

Hephaestrus Prime - Loke Battle Mats

Hephaestus Prime // Loke BattleMats

As well as providing ships, the team are also working on designing maps like the one above. This is based on a Starfinder adventure, written by Stephen Hart, that will feature as part of the Map Mastery Pledge Level during the campaign.

There is a real sense of scale with these different maps and ship designs which I really like. As someone who has been playing Those Dark Places recently, these look like they would be fantastic for plotting out our next dark and spooky adventure in deep space.

Here is also one of their variants on the ship designs. This represents the "Nightmare" Blastnova for when things go sideways.

Nightmare Blastnova - Loke Battle Mats

"Nightmare" Blastnova // Loke BattleMats

A very cool idea and certainly one that would be great to see put before your players when they wake from hypersleep. I like the idea of starting with the nice clean version and moving to this when they least expect it!

Freebies & Sci-Fi Battle Mats

If you're eager to see their work before the Kickstarter begins, check out the Messier Shuttle Craft set which is FREE to download over on DriveThruRPG right now.

Messier Shuttle Craft - Loke BattleMats

Messier Shuttle Craft // Loke BattleMats

This free set features the interior and exterior versions of the ship as well as furnished and unfurnished versions variants. You'll also find a full set of hex tokens for playing out your battles in the stars with these various ships.

Nifty stuff, and, a good way to see whether or not you like the designs by Loke BattleMats. We've checked out their stuff in the past and it is great both physically and digitally so we'll be keeping a close eye on the Kickstarter!

If you prefer roleplaying or adventuring physically then you can also pick up the Big and Giant Book Of Sci-Fi Battle Mats from Loke to use in your tabletop games.

Are you going to be backing this campaign next week?

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