Ranger Week 3: The Lightning Bot To Power Rangers RPG!

February 16, 2022 by fcostin

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It is week three of Ranger Month over at Renegade Game Studios, and there is a new villain stepping up for some trouble in Power Rangers The Roleplaying Game.

Making some moves this week and sparking fear into his foes; one of Venjix' main attack bots are gearing up to take on your Rangers, with a shocking output of attack and a toxic relationship with technology. The Lightning Bot is ready for battle.

Lightning Bot Artwork - Power Rangers The Roleplaying Game

Lightning Bot Artwork // Power Rangers The Roleplaying Game

This shell of metal, technology and pure electricity may not be able to speak for himself, but he is equipped to understand a vast range of languages. Making him perfect for taking in orders from his master, Venjix. This loyal servant fights fire with electricity. Packing a serious punch with a Lightning Blast to take down even the most heroic, and equipped with a clamp instead of a left hand to get his grapple on. This dangerous metal-man comes equipped with backup and the chance to summon Grinders to the table. Do you think your rangers are ready?

For all of the details on the Lightning Bot with a full reference to abilities - be sure to check out the announcement here.

Next week will be the final full week of February, however, we do have one cheeky day the week after leftover. This means we may be getting two more baddies to join our Power Rangers: The Roleplaying Game campaign. Next week, we will be looking at the Grinders which can be used as a backup for the Lightning Bot. And I wonder who will be making their way in for the final week of Ranger Month.

Who would you like to see added as a villain for the Power Rangers RPG?

"This loyal servant fights fire with electricity. Packing a serious punch with a Lightning Blast to take down even the most heroic..."

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